What to expect from Shamanic Healing
Shamanic healing is a beautiful relaxing experience. Most clients fall into a deep sleep and wake refreshed and vitalized. Things to know re your healing experience.This can be done inside or outside in nature. Unlike massage, clothing stays on, comfortable loose clothing preferred for ultimate comfort. You will be guided through the entire process and are free to ask as many questions as needed. After assessing, you’ll get into a comfortable position on the table and the journey begins.
The spiritual work we do in this session will include:
- Empowerment of the soul, spiritual tools to keep you emotionally healthy.
- Check for stagnate and or blocked energy in the body, do compassionate removal if needed.
- Extract spiritual intrusions.
- Power animal retrieval (Retrieving your power animal is what is done after healing to replace the stagnate and or blocked energy with a compassionate helper known as your power animal.
- Healing of emotional trauma such as anger and or resentment related to emotional trauma.
- Help alleviate pain in the body.
- Help alleviate anxiety in the body.
- Bring an animal protector to the client.
- Bless client.